Online Portfolio: The Project-Based Resume


Online portfolios don’t have to be limited to designers, photographers and writers who want to showcase their artistic abilities.

Teachers, DIYers, job-seekers or anyone with an idea (including you) can share thoughts and accomplishments on project management sites like ^IfMine.

By creating an online portfolio, you have the ability to keep track of your projects.

When it’s time to search for a new job, share your portfolio and show potential employers or clients what you can do rather than tell them on a resume.

Need a boost to get you started? By building an online portfolio at ^IfMine, you can:

  • Impress people with your thought process.
  • Display examples of your best work.
  • Show off your special skills.
  • Prove your professionalism when collaborating with and mentoring others.
  • Step ahead of the competition by adding value to your resume.
  • Update and evolve your projects easily.
  • Do it for free.

Get started today at ^IfMine.

Photo Source: bpsusf (Flickr)

How Much Information Do You Share?

Humans have an inner desire to connect with others and the Internet makes it easy. Good things…incredible things happen when great minds align and collaborate together.

Ten years ago, much of the world was unconnected. Facebook and Twitter didn’t exist. I hesitated to share my full name online. I was simply D H.

Prison Planet

Now, I blast off status updates, have hundreds of photographs displayed around the web and openly share ideas with other people.

However, I’m not an open-book. Important life details are private and it’s a rare occasion when I publicly announce my location away from home.

According to, 90% of adults think people are sharing too much information.

Are People Sharing Too Much Online?
Courtesy of:

How much information do you share about yourself? What do you keep private? Have you benefited from people you’ve connected with online? Let us know. Find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. We want to hear from you.

Photo Source: AZRainman

^IfMine News & Updates

^IfMine News and UpdatesWe’ve updated…again! With each new evolved version of ^IfMine, we get closer to launching publicly. We’re excited to share what’s now making our beta testers happy:

  • Social Sharing: Previously, users had to copy and paste a project’s url to share it on the various social networks. Now, with a click of a button, we’re able to post projects on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
  • Email Notification: When a user comments or replies on a project you’ve created or followed, you’ll receive an email letting you know. In addition, when you follow a project and it evolves, you’ll be notified. You can also go to your Account page to change how you receive notifications.
  • Activity Stream: What’s happening on ^IfMine? Go to the dashboard, check out the sidebar and you’ll see Activity on the projects you’re following.

What’s next on the agenda for ^IfMine? We’ll be seeing more design changes, continued feature enhancements and a trip to SXSW!

Don’t be left out! Sign up for ^IfMine today!

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