5 Simple Ways to Help People Succeed

Many small people, in many small places, do many small things, that can alter the face of the world. -Anonymous

2010-04-22Can you recall a specific event or time period in your life when someone reached out and motivated you to overcome an obstacle standing in your way? Think about what that person said or did and how it impacted your life. Where would you be today if that person didn’t stop and help you succeed? And how can you do the same for someone else?

Below are five simple ways to help people succeed:

1. Listen. The simple act of attentive listening is one of the most important things you can do for someone. Keep your opinions to yourself for a moment and allow the person to be heard.

2. Respond. When someone asks for an opinion, give an honest and helpful critique. We’ve all heard of the sandwich method: first compliment is good, followed by suggestions to improve and topped off with another nice compliment.

3. Collaborate. When working together is beneficial to both parties, success can be attained more efficiently as your strengths are brought into play. Teamwork is powerful, as long as everyone is listening attentively and giving helpful feedback.

4. Mentor. We could all use someone to help guide us on the right path. If you’re an expert in a particular field, use that as an advantage and motivate others with your knowledge.

5. Share. Unable to help? It’s time to seek advice from others. Or possibly, success has been reached and you want to share it with the world. Write about it, tweet it or simply, talk about it.

Have you helped someone succeed in life? Comment and share your story with us or continue assisting others at ^IfMine, a platform to voice your opinions and share ideas.

Photo Source: bgottsab (Flickr)