Meet The Team: Anthony

FA12 profile pic ANTHONY: ^IfMine Profile

Title: Lead Designer

Website: Anthony Fontana

Social: TwitterFacebook

Bio: Geek, Artist, Educator, Learning Technologist, App Designer, Graphic Novelist, Zen Buddhist and Father. Anthony Fontana is a Learning Technologist and an Instructor of Art at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Read more at:

When did you get your first computer? I’ve had a computer almost my whole life. My dad worked in computers, so we had an IBM. I learned basic, wrote a few things, and decided right then and there that I didn’t have patience to write code. One of my favorite games was SpaceQuest. It felt like you could do anything in that game. The truth was, you could type anything in to the command line… but most of it would hardly ever work. That taught me something about imagination as an element in gameplay.

Describe your early experiences with the Internet: My early experiences with the Internet involved playing an X-Men/Marvel Universe turn-based role-playing game in Prodigy forums online. Or hanging out with my friends huddled around a computer harassing people in local IRC rooms. I remember that… and the sound of dial-up.

What do you do when you’re not using tech? I like to sit and do nothing. Seriously. Sometimes it’s good to remember that we are human beings and not human doings. I love the quote, “Don’t just do something. Sit there.”

Also See: Meet Our Team & Meet The Team: Danielle

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^IfMine in The BG News

We’ve been featured!

^IfMine in the news

An article about ^IfMine was recently published in The BG News, Bowling Green State University’s campus newspaper.

Below are a few excerpts:

“The site was built for people in all fields,” said Danielle Hunter, social media director of ^IfMine. “Basically, if you have a project in need of feedback, ^IfMine is for you.”

“This could be a great tool for students who are working on papers and projects of any kind and are looking for feedback outside of their closest circle of friends,” he [Anthony Fontana] said.

“The student wins if they see how talented they are, simply by others putting it out to them,” he [Joel Shiffler] said. “That’s where mentoring, collaboration and followers are true friends  — when they give to each other something that counts.”

Read the entire article: Website debuts in local area.

Have you signed up for the ^IfMine Beta? In less than a minute, you can submit your email and it’s free!

Meet The Team: Danielle

You’ve met the team. Now, it’s time to peek into the minds of the people behind ^IfMine. We’ll start with me, Danielle Hunter, ^IfMine’s blog author and socializer.

DANIELLE: ^IfMine Profile

Title: Social Media Director

Website: EcoScrapbook

Social: TwitterGoogle+InstagramPinterest

Bio: Dedicated hobbyist, freelance writer and creative entrepreneur. Danielle is a multitasking mom who lives and works in Toledo, Ohio.

^IfMine Project Highlight: EcoScrapbooking – A collaboration of eco-friendly scrapbook layouts created by a community of scrapbook bloggers.

Let’s have some fun…

When did you get your first computer? The year was about 1990 and I was in middle school. I received an IBM-compatible computer for Christmas and remember being upset it wasn’t a Macintosh. I soon forgave my parents for their mistake, learned the software, played Solitaire and wrote countless short stories on it.

Describe your early experiences with the Internet: I barely remember using the Internet in my high school’s library, but I do recall being in the computer lab at the University of Toledo in 1996 when I was introduced to WebCrawler. When I think about how the Internet works, I’ve never been able to get the image of a bunch of Spideys crawling around the web, capturing information for search engines.

What do you do when you’re not using tech? Since I’m a mom, I’m usually doing housework, running errands and helping the kids in one way or another. If I had it my way, I’d be spending most of my time in the craft room, getting messy and listening to music.

Stay tuned for more Meet The Team posts! Until then, I’d like to hear from you: What were your early experiences with computers and the Internet? And what do you do when you’re not using technology?


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