^IfMine News & Updates

^IfMine News and UpdatesWe’ve updated…again! With each new evolved version of ^IfMine, we get closer to launching publicly. We’re excited to share what’s now making our beta testers happy:

  • Social Sharing: Previously, users had to copy and paste a project’s url to share it on the various social networks. Now, with a click of a button, we’re able to post projects on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
  • Email Notification: When a user comments or replies on a project you’ve created or followed, you’ll receive an email letting you know. In addition, when you follow a project and it evolves, you’ll be notified. You can also go to your Account page to change how you receive notifications.
  • Activity Stream: What’s happening on ^IfMine? Go to the dashboard, check out the sidebar and you’ll see Activity on the projects you’re following.

What’s next on the agenda for ^IfMine? We’ll be seeing more design changes, continued feature enhancements and a trip to SXSW!

Don’t be left out! Sign up for ^IfMine today!

Last Chance to Enter the ^IfMine Beta

What are you waiting for? Swing on over to IfMine.com and submit your email. It’s quick, free and your last chance to register for ^IfMine until 2013.

You read that right! On December 31st, we will close our initial beta testing group and if you haven’t submitted your email, you won’t be able to register for the latest innovative project management and feedback tool on the web.

What is ^IfMine

After the first of January, you can still sign up for ^IfMine, but you’ll be added to a wait list. We have yet to determine an exact date when we’ll reopen the beta testing group, so now’s you chance to get in on the action and be part of an exclusive community of idea-makers.

Sign up for ^IfMine today and get a head start on your future.

Word cloud created using Tagxedo.com.

Where’s the Social Integration?


It’s coming! At ^IfMine, we believe in the power of sharing ideas and know that social integration is an important feature to incorporate on our website.

We want you to easily share your work with friends and followers on the social networks that are relevant to you.

Social functionality of ^IfMine, along with email notifications, are on their way. Be the first to know when these key features are available: Subscribe to our blog or find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Photo source: JD Hancock (Flickr)

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