The ^IfMine Mashup: Crowdsourcing

Let’s see how social media and collaboration are working together in today’s ^IfMine Mashup.


Doritos Super Bowl ad crowdsourcing allows Fashionista Daddy to strut: Doritos Super Bowl campaign has everyone’s head turning. It even has some people strutting. Over 100 million people watch the Super Bowl every year and many come not for the football. Read more at Successful Workplace.

Beck’s New DIY Album Spawns Social Media Collaboration: After releasing the sheet music, Beck put out an open call for people to record their interpretations of the songs — essentially crowdsourcing his own album via social media platforms. Read more at Mashable.

Crowdsourcing Government?: Times are changing and governments are beginning to adopt some of the characteristics of crowd-funding and crowdsourcing. Read more at Innovation Management.

Three Crowdsourcing Projects that are Advancing the Medical Field: Significant strides have been made towards improving medical science and making the process more efficient and transparent, all thanks to a concerned and connected global community. Read more at Daily Crowdsource.

How can you create your own collaborative project? Find out at ^IfMine.

13 Ways to Use ^IfMine in 2013

It’s the last day of 2012 and time to prep for a new year. ^IfMine can help you reach success, network with others and organize your life.

Prediction: By this time next year, at the end of 2013, ^IfMine will be a household name. If you’re reading this today, you’re an early adopter and can be part of our initial group of users. In a year, you can tell your friends and family you were one of the first people to use ^IfMine.

And what can you do on the site? I knew you’d ask and compiled 13 ways to use ^IfMine in 2013.

^IfMine 13 ways to Use word cloud

  1. Social Network: What’s on your mind? When compared to other social networks, you have the ability to say more on ^IfMine. Talk about the things that interest you, reply to comments and even Evolve your thoughts and ideas.
  2. Healthy Living: Start the year off right by compiling exercise and meal plans. Share recipes and create new ones with others. Document your life and keep track of your New Year’s resolutions.
  3. Education: If you’re an educator, create and share lesson plans or use ^IfMine for student projects. Or if you’re a student, organize your homework and seek guidance with your school work.
  4. Arts & Crafts: Put your artwork on display. Share your creative knowledge and write project tutorials.
  5. Photography: ^IfMine is your digital scrapbook. Upload photos of your projects, your family or whatever you desire.
  6. Writing: Start a book. Organize your thoughts and plans. Let others critique and edit your writing.
  7. Lists: Shopping lists, reading lists, to do lists… You get the point – make lists.
  8. Events: Are you planning an anniversary or birthday party? Do it on ^IfMine. How about a wedding? Collaborate with organizers or do it yourself.
  9. Travel: Where to go? What to see? Put your ideas down in a project, Evolve it when plans change and after you’ve reached your destination.
  10. Journal: For your eyes only – let ^IfMine be your personal diary. Write down your daily thoughts and happenings. If you’re an open-book, make it public and share your journal with the world.
  11. Volunteer Efforts: Coordinating fundraisers and events can be easier with a one-stop tool for everyone involved. Share the things you’re doing and find other people to help.
  12. Business: Use ^IfMine to document your work, collaborate on team projects or if you have the entrepreneurial spirit – start a new business.
  13. Job-Hunting: Looking for employment? Not only can you share a resume on ^IfMine, you can use it to showcase your portfolio. Let employers see what you can do, rather than just tell them.

Your projects can be public, completely private or restricted to the people you choose as Collaborators and Mentors.

Are you ready to start 2013 and make it an incredible year? Do it with ^IfMine. Click here and sign up now. It’s free and a new way to watch your life Evolve and succeed. See how other people are using ^IfMine: Explore.

Word cloud created using Tagxedo.

Where’s the Social Integration?


It’s coming! At ^IfMine, we believe in the power of sharing ideas and know that social integration is an important feature to incorporate on our website.

We want you to easily share your work with friends and followers on the social networks that are relevant to you.

Social functionality of ^IfMine, along with email notifications, are on their way. Be the first to know when these key features are available: Subscribe to our blog or find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Photo source: JD Hancock (Flickr)

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