We’re Headed to SXSW!

Austin, Texas…Here we come! We’re publicly launching ^IfMine.com during the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference and Festival March 8-12, 2013. You’ll find us out on the streets of Austin, chatting with conference goers and passing out freebies.

If you’re attending, look for Brian Scavo – He’s taking over our social media for the week and wants to snap a photo of you in an ^IfMine t-shirt!

Need live updates during SXSW? Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Google+.

Don’t get lost in the crowd! Register for ^IfMine today by using your Facebook or email account.

Register for ^IfMine.com - Mentorship Collaboration Feedback

There’s no more waiting! We’re out of beta testing!

Read more about ^IfMine’s launch in our first press release: Project Mentorship Platform ^IfMine Gears up for Website Launch at SXSW.

Are you a mentor?

Helpful. Wise. Trustworthy.  Mentors are known for these qualities. What sets apart these experienced advisers is enchantment. Here’s how you can achieve it:

Enchantment Infographic

A mentor can change a person’s life in a single influential conversation or during a relationship that combines friendship with empowering advice.

If you are ready to showcase your ability to help others with your enchanting personality, we need you.

Also See: 5 Simple Ways to Help People Succeed

We’re building a community of idea-makers who are growing their ideas at ^IfMine. Mentors, like you, can help guide them to success. Join us.

Infographic Source: Guy Kawasaki

Where to Share Your Ideas

You have an idea and want to share it.

Create Your Own Light...

Where do you go? Thanks to the ever-expanding Internet, there are an assortment of outlets available for your choosing.

Twitter. This micro blogging site is a perfect tool for connecting with like-minded individuals. You get to follow your interests in live time and share your thoughts whenever you please. Although you’re limited to 140 characters per status update, it’s a way to tell the world what’s on your mind.

Facebook. Love it or hate it, this social network brings together families, friends from the past and the people most active in your life right now.There’s more room to chat on Facebook, but most people are there to relax, kill time and have fun.

LinkedIn. The opposite of Facebook, LinkedIn is where you go to show off your professional side. Use it the right way and network with people in your industry to gain recommendations and determine your next career move.

^IfMine. Like the choices above, you can say a little or a lot and choose to make your ideas public, private or restricted to specific individuals. What makes this platform different is the evolution factor.

You can share an idea and each time you elaborate on it, you have the ability to Evolve it without deleting your initial thoughts. Any comments made on your idea will stay with each Evolution.

Ask people to join your team to help develop your idea further as a Collaborator. Or share your thoughts with a chosen Mentor and gain insight to assist in your success.

There’s no more searching through endless messages. All of your ideas and everyone’s comments stay within your project.

At ^IfMine, your work is always your own and you’re never limited to set amount of characters.

The choice is yours.

Sign up for ^IfMine today.

Photo Source: shuttermonkey (Flickr)

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